Hidden in the Overworld Read online

Page 6

  Violet kept her sword aimed at Daniel. “Why are you doing this to us? Can’t you leave our town alone?”

  “Never!” he laughed. “I won’t be happy until it’s destroyed!”

  Noah shot an arrow at Daniel. Harrison, Angela, Kyle, Ben, and Hannah raced toward Daniel with their swords. He was outnumbered. But he did something very unusual. He quickly took off his armor and then grabbed a potion from his inventory. Within a second, he was invisible.

  “Ugh!” Hannah cried as she was struck by Daniel’s sword.

  They tried to hit him, but they couldn’t see where he was. The diamond sword wasn’t floating through the air. He was gone.

  “We need to help the others battle the griefers,” Violet said. She hurried over to the townspeople who were engaged in a serious battle against Daniel’s enormous colorful army.

  A bright blue light flashed in the distance.

  “That’s coming from the direction of our town!” cried Violet.

  The Wither had spawned.



  Kaboom! An explosion rocked the town.

  “We have to go help! Many of the villagers are defenseless,” Noah exclaimed as he headed toward the town. He thought about Valentino and his butcher shop.

  The townspeople stopped battling the griefers and followed Noah and the others back to the town. As they raced there, they were showered with arrows from the rainbow griefers that were on their trail.

  Noah reached the village streets. A black three-headed beast shot a fast-moving black wither skull at Noah, but he dodged the skull and attacked the Wither with an arrow.

  The Wither floated through the town unleashing a barrage of wither skulls and striking and destroying many townspeople.

  Violet threw a snowball at the Wither, but a blue skull hit her arm and she was struck with the Wither effect.

  “I’m so tired,” she cried out, “help!”

  Hannah rushed over with milk, which cured Violet quickly. Together they tried to battle the Wither with the others, but it was an impossible fight. The three-headed monster terrorized the town with its powerful wither skulls that flew through the air and struck innocent people.

  “The town is being destroyed!” Violet cried out. She was upset. The Wither had blown up a few homes and a farm.

  The townspeople used everything they could to battle this awful flying beast. They threw snowballs, they shot arrows, and they used their swords to strike the menace when it was flying close to the ground. Yet, nothing worked. The Wither was still full of energy and floating above the town.

  “We need to trap it,” said Ben.

  “But how?” asked Harrison.

  “Violet,” Ben called to his friend. “You can build an obsidian room and trap it.”

  “That’s a great idea.” Violet went through her inventory to find the materials to build an obsidian structure.

  Hannah and Noah helped Violet craft the obsidian prison for the Wither, as the others shot arrows at the beast. Harrison hit the Wither with a snowball, and it roared, but its energy level was still high.

  As Violet crafted the obsidian structure, night began to set in, and a creeper snuck up behind Noah and exploded.


  “Noah!” Violet shrieked.

  The structure was almost complete, but Violet was worried about her friend respawning in the Cold Taiga Biome. She wondered if Daniel had any rainbow griefers waiting there, and if they would put Noah on Hardcore mode.

  Some rainbow griefers were still battling townspeople in the village. Violet could see Jack the orange griefer battle a blue griefer off in the distance. This battle seemed almost too intense for Violet. They had to fight the Wither, rainbow griefers, and now they were subject to attacks from the hostile mobs that spawned in the night. She knew she had to fight, but she really wanted to teleport to the cold biome to find Noah. Violet finished the room and told Harrison, “The obsidian room is done. Trap the Wither.”

  “Aren’t you going to help me?” questioned Harrison.

  “I have to TP to the igloo. I’m sorry. I can’t leave Noah. I have to help him,” replied Violet, as she began to teleport to the snowy cold biome.

  Violet stood in the igloo. Noah called out, “Violet!”

  “We must get back to the village, Noah. We have to trap the Wither!”

  Noah and Violet teleported together, landing in the middle of the village streets. A red griefer hit Noah with his sword and Violet struck the evil creature.

  “My energy level is low,” Noah told Violet. She gave him some milk.

  The Wither flew through the town. Harrison and Ben were taunting the Wither and trying to lead it to the obsidian room as two green rainbow griefers charged toward them with their swords out.

  Violet shot arrows at the green rainbow griefers, but missed them.

  “Watch out!” yelled Noah, as a group of zombies walked into the village and toward Violet.

  “How many mobs do we have to battle?” Violet asked with an exhausted sigh.

  Noah lunged at the zombies and clobbered them. As he ran back to Violet, a red griefer hit him with a diamond sword. Noah was weakened but he could still run. He wanted to help his friends capture the Wither that terrorized the town.

  “I think I hit it!” Noah called out as he shot an arrow at the Wither. It raged loudly and flew toward Noah.

  “Keep running toward the obsidian house!” instructed Violet.

  “You’re almost there,” said Ben. “You can do it, Noah!”

  Two Endermen carrying bricks spotted Noah as he sprinted toward the obsidian house. One of the Endermen shrieked and teleported next to him. Hannah raced over with a potion and splashed it on the Enderman.

  The Wither was flying toward Noah. Harrison, Ben, Kyle, and Angela positioned themselves outside the obsidian house. They planned on flooding the Wither with a sea of arrows to weaken it and then trap the flying menace in the obsidian room.

  The Wither approached. The friends unleashed their arrows and the Wither was overwhelmed. Violet lunged at the Wither with her diamond sword. She used great force and was able to get the Wither to fly toward the obsidian house. Noah joined Violet and they struck the Wither together. Hannah threw snowballs at the Wither, as the gang at last trapped the beast in the obsidian room.

  “We’re saved!” Noah called out.

  “I don’t think so,” Violet said as she looked over at an army of griefers. They all had their weapons aimed at the group. One griefer stood out from the rest. It was Jack the orange griefer. He had his sword pointed at Violet.

  “Free the Wither!” shouted a green griefer, but Violet wouldn’t respond. She just stared at Jack the orange griefer in disbelief.



  “Jack!” Violet called out. She took out her diamond sword, ready to charge at her friend.

  Jack looked at Violet and smiled, and then struck the blue griefer standing next to him.

  “Traitor!” one of the pink griefers screamed, and the griefers began to attack Jack.

  Noah sprinted to Jack’s side to fight the griefers. The rainbow griefers were so busy trying to destroy Jack they weren’t paying attention to the crowd of townspeople who ran toward them and attacked. The griefer army was losing soldiers quickly.

  “Ouch!” Hannah cried.

  She turned around to see a spider jockey standing in front of her. The skeleton riding the red-eyed spider shot arrows at her. Since everyone was busy battling the griefers, nobody noticed Hannah being attacked by the bony beast riding an arachnid. She dodged arrows from the skeleton as she struck the spider with her sword and destroyed it. An arrow flew from behind Hannah and obliterated the skeleton. She looked over and saw Violet.

  “I couldn’t let you get destroyed by a spider jockey. We have griefers to destroy and a trapped Wither,” Violet said.

  The two rushed toward the griefers and joined the others in battle. The griefer army was di
minishing. Two pink griefers broke away from the group and headed for the obsidian house.

  “Stop them!” Jack called out in a weak voice. He was being attacked by a group of griefers.

  Violet and Hannah raced toward the pink griefers, trying to hit them with arrows.

  The pink griefers reached the obsidian house and freed the Wither. It flew out and shot wither skulls at the pink griefers, destroying them.

  “Isn’t that ironic?” remarked Violet.

  “We have to get that Wither back into the obsidian house.” Hannah shot an arrow at the Wither.

  The Wither swooped down toward the rainbow griefers and the townspeople, pelting them with wither skulls. The group was struck with the Wither effect.

  Violet and Hannah stood in front of the obsidian house. Violet threw snowballs. Hannah shot arrows. This angered the Wither. It flew toward them in a rage and aimed wither skulls at the two warriors.

  “We need help!” Violet called to the others who were still battling the rainbow griefers.

  Noah and Harrison ran toward them. They aimed their weapons at the Wither and forced it back into the obsidian room.

  The sun was beginning to rise. Hannah looked over at the ongoing battle between the griefers and the townspeople.

  “Where’s Daniel?” Hannah shouted. Her voice carried throughout the village.

  A green griefer stopped. “Why do you ask?”

  “If he’s so brave and is in control, why doesn’t he fight? Every time there is a big battle, he always seems to be missing,” Hannah said.

  “He is fighting. He’s the one who is controlling the Wither.” A green griefer defended him.

  Hannah pointed to the obsidian house where they had trapped the Wither. “It looks like he’s doing a great job, right?” she said sarcastically. “Well, now he’s trapped at last.”

  The griefers paused. They actually stopped battling the townspeople and stood still. Violet was shocked and wondered if they were reconsidering Daniel’s behavior.

  Hannah continued, “Why are you fighting us? Because Daniel told you to do it?”

  There was silence.

  “Most of you are getting destroyed and there’s no reason for any of this. We all have enough hostile mobs to fight in the Overworld. Why should we battle each other?”

  The griefers remained silent.

  “Daniel is the one behind all of this evil. If we all work together, we can end his horrible reign of fear and terror.”

  Jack called out, “How can we do that, Hannah?”

  “I ask you all to change your skins to whatever skin you’d like. Don’t use the colors of the rainbow, though. If you change your skin, you can stay here. We’ll help you build a home and we will give you a new life. A better life. A life where you can be free to make choices and where you can fight your own battles, not battles that an evil dictator forces you to fight.” Hannah spoke passionately.

  A green griefer stood in front of the group, announcing, “I want to change.”

  One by one the rainbow griefers began to change their skins. They chose skins with red hair, brown hair, some wore glasses, others wore jumpsuits, but they were all different, and they weren’t rainbow griefers anymore.

  Within minutes, there weren’t any more rainbow griefers. There was just a peaceful town with a new group of residents. The sun seemed to shine brighter, and Hannah offered the new friends food.

  “Let’s all feast!” she announced.

  A townsperson with glasses and a vest walked over to her and said, “Thank you.” He smiled.

  “I’m so happy everyone listened. This is the best day of my life.” Hannah was excited and introduced herself to the newcomer in the vest.

  “You don’t recognize me?” he asked with a shy grin.

  Violet walked over to Hannah and the stranger in the vest. “Hi, Jack!” she called out.

  “You’re not orange anymore!” Hannah remarked.

  “Good job on that speech,” Noah complimented Hannah.

  Harrison, Ben, Angela, and Kyle also walked over to Hannah to commend her on her persuasive speaking.

  “You destroyed the griefer army without fighting,” said Violet. She was both inspired and impressed.

  “We still have to get rid of the Wither,” Ben reminded everyone as he looked at the obsidian house with dread.

  Noah gathered blocks of TNT.

  “What are you planning to do?” asked Violet.

  “I think we should fill the obsidian house with TNT and blow up the Wither,” replied Noah as he took the last block of TNT from his inventory.

  “Do you need any more TNT?” asked Harrison.

  “Yes, we’ll need a lot,” replied Noah.

  “What a great idea!” Violet exclaimed. She looked at the obsidian house she’d built. “Since obsidian doesn’t get destroyed by TNT, we’ll still have the house after the Wither explodes.”

  The gang carefully filled the obsidian house with TNT, making sure they didn’t let the Wither get free while they placed the blocks of TNT.

  Noah used flint and steel, igniting the TNT.


  The Wither was destroyed. There was reason to celebrate in town. Although Daniel was still missing, he had lost his biggest asset, his army of rainbow griefers.

  “I wonder where Daniel is hiding,” Violet said as she watched the smoke rise from the obsidian house.



  Hannah looked out at the village, happy to see the townspeople strolling in and out of the shops that lined the busy streets. “It’s funny. I don’t even know which townspeople used to be rainbow griefers,” she said with a smile.

  “I’m so happy that the griefers were able to adjust to a world of freedom. But I really worry that Daniel is going to want serious revenge on us,” Violet said. She could imagine daily attacks from the Ender Dragon and the Wither, and a neverending battle against hostile mobs that Daniel could spawn. And after he replenished his rainbow griefer army there would be more attacks.

  Ben walked over with his dog Hope. “I thought there was going to be a feast to celebrate our victory?”

  “Yes,” answered Noah and he took cake from his inventory. “I have cake, what do you guys have for the feast?”

  Hannah placed apples beside the obsidian house and then climbed to the top of the house and made an announcement: “Everybody, we are having a feast! Bring whatever goodies you have in your inventories and share it with us! We are here to celebrate our victory.”

  The townspeople gathered by the obsidian house, bringing all sorts of treats to share with each other. From potatoes to chicken, everyone feasted and celebrated their new freedom. Violet was the only one who didn’t feel at ease. She worried about Daniel. She wasn’t going to be happy until Daniel was stopped and could no longer attack the people in the Overworld.

  The sun was setting and the townspeople cleared out from the center of town. Before nightfall, Violet took a walk through the streets of the village. She passed Valentino’s butcher shop and the library. Violet loved her town and she wanted to protect the people from Daniel and his evil ways. As the sky grew darker, Violet heard Noah call out, “Violet, you should head back to the tree house! It’s not safe in the streets.”

  Violet hurried to the tree house, she climbed the ladder, and said good night to Noah. They deserved a good night of sleep. Violet climbed into her bed and pulled the blue wool covers over her tired body. She knew that whatever happened next, at least she’d respawn in her own comfy bed.



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  Invasion of the Overworld


  Battle for the Nether


  Confronting the Dragon


  Trouble in Zombie-town


  The Quest for the
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  The Mystery of the Griefer’s Mark


  The Endermen Invasion


  Treasure Hunters in Trouble


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  Then check out other novels by Sky Pony Press.

  Pack of Dorks


  Boys Camp: Zack’s Story


  Boys Camp: Nate’s Story


  Letters from an Alien Schoolboy


  Just a Drop of Water


  Future Flash


  Sky Run


  Mr. Big


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