The Hardcore War Page 6
Thomas panicked. “You aren’t serious!”
“Yes, I am,” Adam replied.
“Stop summoning these hostile mobs!” Violet demanded as she plunged her sword into Thomas and he lost another heart.
“Okay, okay!” Thomas cried. “I’ll do it. I’ll stop summoning them.”
Adam took Thomas and Trent off Hardcore mode.
Thomas led Violet and Adam to a room where he had been summoning the beasts and stopped calling for more. “I can’t get rid of the ones I’ve already sent here, though.”
“Then you will help us battle them,” Violet told him.
“But I don’t have very much energy left,” said Thomas.
“You should have thought about that before you terrorized this entire island with flying devils.” Adam was annoyed. He marched Thomas outside, where a serious battle against the Ender Dragons and the Withers was taking place in the skies above Mooshroom Island.
Adam shot an arrow at an Ender Dragon and it let out a loud roar. Violet was surprised when someone handed her a snowball.
She looked over and said, “Thank you, Thomas.”
Thomas and Violet threw snowballs at the Ender Dragon until it was destroyed. The townspeople obliterated the other Ender Dragons, and then there were only two Withers left flying through the sky, shooting wither skulls at them. Thomas threw a snowball at one Wither, but he couldn’t avoid being hit by the wither skull. He was destroyed.
“Where will he respawn?” Adam asked Trent.
“In the cave,” Trent replied.
“Show us,” Violet said.
The three hurried to the respawning point. Violet didn’t trust Thomas, and she wanted to be present the minute he reappeared. Trent led them to the room with two beds, where he and Thomas had last slept. Thomas respawned in the bed. He woke up and saw Violet standing in front of him.
“I will go back and help you battle the Wither,” Thomas said as he got up from the bed. “I’m sorry. I really am.”
Violet was happy to hear his apology, but she wanted to see Thomas defeat the Wither in person. He had summoned these beasts, so he had to destroy them and save everyone trying to battle these evil creatures. The group ran for the exit. As they reached the light, the Wither flew close to them and struck Violet with a skull. She was destroyed.
Violet respawned in the bed at the mushroom house. She looked out the window and saw the people battling the Wither. There was only one Wither left—the other must have been destroyed while she, Adam, Trent, and Thomas were in the cave. She was shocked to see Thomas standing outside the mushroom house. Adam stood next to him.
“Thomas has agreed to come back to town with us and stay in the jailhouse,” Adam told her.
Violet watched as the last Wither was destroyed. “It’s finally over.” She breathed a sigh of relief.
It’s over,” Thomas announced to the crowd of townspeople, hotel guests, rainbow griefers, and men in blue helmets. “The Overworld is back on Survival mode. I apologize for all the trouble I have caused.”
Adam said, “Did you take us off Adventure mode?”
Thomas gasped, “No, I must do that!”
The crowd wasn’t satisfied with Thomas’s apology, however. They wanted Thomas to pay a price for all the chaos he had caused in the Overworld. Many people had been destroyed and would never respawn.
A townsperson called out, “Sorry isn’t good enough!”
Violet stood in front of the people and explained, “Thomas and Trent are coming back to our town. They are going to be locked up in the jail.”
The townspeople and hotel guests were happy that Thomas and his evil sidekick were going to be trapped in a jail and couldn’t cause any more trouble. They were also glad to leave Mooshroom Island and so they jogged down to the shore, hopped on their boats, and headed back to their homes and the hotel. The only people who remained on Mooshroom Island were Violet and her friends.
Violet said to Thomas, “I think you’d better lead us to the command blocks and take us off Adventure mode.”
Thomas led the group down the hole and into a cavernous stronghold. They passed through a dimly lit tunnel. It was very quiet in the stronghold, and Violet couldn’t believe that just minutes earlier an intense battle between the men in blue helmets and the rainbow griefers had taken place there.
“Here they are,” Thomas said as they entered a room holding the command blocks. He quickly set them back to Survival mode.
“It’s time to take you back to our town. I am going to rebuild the jail, and you will stay there forever,” Violet told Thomas.
Thomas wasn’t too pleased, but he knew there was no other option. He couldn’t be a griefer—he had to go to jail.
The group headed toward the shore. As they hiked down a hill, Noah spotted a mine.
“Should we mine for diamonds?” Will sounded excited.
“Of course!” Lucy replied quickly. She was always up for an adventure and now that they were all safe, she wanted to do fun things again.
The group put on their helmets, grabbed their pickaxes, and advanced into the dark mine.
“Thomas and Trent, we are keeping an eye on you. You can’t escape,” Adam warned the griefers.
“I won’t. I promise,” replied Thomas.
“I’ll be good, too,” added Trent.
Lucy said, “I’ve heard you promise not to grief before. I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Don’t worry, they’ll both be in jail soon,” Violet reminded her as they banged their pickaxes against the ground and searched for diamonds.
“And don’t try to escape from the jail,” Daniel warned Thomas. “It can backfire on you, like it did on me.”
“I was the one helping you escape,” joked Thomas.
“And look how well that worked out,” replied Daniel.
Violet reflected on Daniel’s comment and said, “In a weird way, it did work out. It taught you that you shouldn’t grief any more.”
Daniel smiled. “You’re right,” and then he called out to the group, “Diamonds! I found diamonds!”
“This was a great idea. I’m so glad we went mining for diamonds,” Ben exclaimed as he placed diamonds safely in his inventory.
“Now we have something to trade when we get back to town,” added Hannah.
“Shh!” Violet whispered. “I hear someone!”
The group expected to see another hostile mob and readied themselves for an attack, but then they remembered hostile mobs don’t spawn on Mooshroom Island, and Thomas wasn’t summoning any more, either.
“Who could it be?” asked Hannah nervously.
Violet grabbed her sword and crept toward the exit to see who was making noise in the mine.
Violet spotted two people in the distance. Noah aimed his bow and arrow at the approaching figures, but Lucy screamed, “Stop! Don’t! I know them!”
Steve!” Lucy called out.
“Kyra!” Max was happy to see his old friend.
Noah put his bow and arrow away. Henry introduced the group to his friends Steve and Kyra.
Steve was shocked to see Thomas in the mine. “What are you doing here?” he asked.
Lucy explained to Violet and her friends about the time Thomas had blown up Steve’s wheat farm.
Violet shook hands with Steve and said, “We are bringing Thomas back to our town and placing him and his friend Trent in jail.”
“That’s great,” Steve replied and added, “I know who you are, Violet. You are a master builder. I’ve seen some of your work in the Overworld. You’re very talented.”
Steve was also a skilled builder and had once taken part in a building competition on Mooshroom Island.
“Thanks!” Violet was pleased to hear that others respected her work.
“There are diamonds in this mine, Steve,” Lucy informed him.
Kyra was excited to mine for diamonds. “Great, I ca
n’t wait to fill my inventory with diamonds.”
Violet told everyone, “I think it’s time we return to our town. We have enough diamonds in our inventories, and we need to take Thomas and Trent to jail.”
Will shook his head at Trent and lamented, “I can’t believe you turned evil. Now you have to pay the price.”
Trent stared at Will and just uttered, “I’m sorry.”
Lucy wished the others a good trip home. “I think we’re going to stay here with Steve and Kyra.”
Will said, “I’m also going to stay and mine here.”
Violet was sad to say good-bye to Will, but she knew she’d see him again.
What was left of the group made their way toward the shoreline. Thomas and Trent didn’t have boats. They had used boats to get to Mooshroom Island and then destroyed them so nobody would discover they were there. Now they needed to build new boats, but didn’t have any wood in their inventories.
Violet offered to build boats for Thomas and Trent. “You need one. There is no way we are going to let you escape or stay here on this beautiful island. You don’t deserve to stay here.”
Once the boats were constructed and everyone had climbed into them, they started their journey over the deep blue water and back to the village.
The gang docked on the sandy shore by the hotel and made their way into town. Valentino the Butcher greeted them when they arrived. “Hi, everyone. We have a surprise for you.”
Violet strolled into the center of town and stopped. “Wow, you rebuilt the jailhouse. How fantastic!”
Noah marched Thomas and Trent straight into the jailhouse. Daniel followed and asked, “Do you want me to go back to my old cell, too?”
Violet paused to think. “I think you should stay in the town, but you don’t have to spend any more time in jail.”
Daniel was pleased. “I’d be honored if you built a house for me in this town so I can stay for a long time.”
Violet smiled. “I’d love to do that for you.”
A group of rainbow griefers approached Daniel. He looked at them and gave out new instructions: “The rainbow griefer army has disbanded. Please feel free to pick any skin and wear it.”
The griefers cheered and gave up their colorful skins for ones they chose for themselves.
Violet announced, “We will finally celebrate the grand re-opening of the hotel. I’m going to go over there and repair the damage and then we can hold the festivities.”
Valentino said, “The hotel guests already repaired the damage—the hotel looks brand new.”
Violet loved hearing this news. She couldn’t wait to party at the hotel with her friends. “Tonight, we will have a celebration, complete with fireworks.”
Thomas and Trent peered out from the windows of their jail cells. They wouldn’t be able to enjoy the fireworks display; they would spend their days in the jailhouse.
Daniel asked, “Can I attend the fireworks show? The last time you had one at the Olympic games, I destroyed it.”
“We remember that,” said Noah.
“But we defeated you and had another fireworks display after that. You could never end our celebrations,” Violet told him.
Daniel said, “I can’t believe I’m actually going to one of your celebrations as a guest and not as an enemy trying to destroy you.”
It was getting dark, so the group hurried to the hotel to watch the fireworks. Everyone placed torches around the hotel to stop hostile mobs from spawning and destroying the grand re-opening celebration.
Before the fireworks started, the gang put on a great feast. As Daniel ate a piece of chicken, he said to the group, “I know I keep apologizing for my behavior, but I can’t believe I tried to destroy one of these celebrations. They’re so much fun.”
A man in a brown suit came up to Daniel. “I used to be an orange griefer in your army. I just want you to know how much I hated griefing, and I am so happy to see you are a good guy now. It makes the Overworld a better place.”
Daniel looked at the man and apologized. “I’m sorry I trapped you and made you join an evil army. I’m glad that you were able to choose your own skin. You look great.”
Violet and Noah watched as Daniel talked to the ex-griefer. Violet said, “Noah, it is wonderful that order is restored in the Overworld. I’m so relieved. Now we can finally relax, and I can build so many things without fear of them being destroyed.”
“Yes,” Noah said, “but we always have to be on the lookout. You never know when another griefer might attack us.”
“That’s true, but I try to look at the bright side of things.” She smiled.
Hannah and Ben hurried over. “We just checked on Thomas and Trent. They are still in the jail.”
“Great!” exclaimed Violet.
Daniel strolled over to the group and offered them cake. Violet took a piece and thanked him.
“Look up!” Violet told Daniel.
“What? Did somebody summon the Ender Dragon?” he questioned nervously.
“No, silly. The fireworks are about to begin.” Violet pointed to a colorful display of lights flashing across the dark sky.
The crowd cheered. It was a wonderful, festive night in the Overworld. In the morning, Violet would help rebuild any additional damage caused by the battle, but for now, she was just happy celebrating the newly rebuilt hotel. She imagined how many fun activities would take place there.
Someone called out a warning that zombies were approaching. Although the streets were brightly lit with torches, the zombies were ripping doors off buildings in the town. Violet worried they’d rip the door off the jailhouse. She called for the officials to halt the fireworks show.
The gang battled the invading zombies. It seemed very easy after battling Thomas, Trent, and the army of men in blue helmets. After the last zombie was defeated, Violet decided to check the jailhouse. Luckily, Thomas and Trent were still there.
The group returned to the hotel, and the fireworks display continued. Violet glanced over at her friends and Daniel and realized that people can change. She hoped Thomas and Trent would one day be able to watch a fireworks show with the gang and be a part of a celebration instead battling the town.
The red and gold fireworks lit up the night sky like giant sparklers. The crowd cheered. It was a stunning and celebratory night in the Overworld.
Check out all the books in the Unofficial League of Griefers Adventure series from Sky Pony Press!
The Secret Treasure
Hidden in the Overworld
The Griefer’s Revenge
The Return of the Rainbow Griefers
The Nether Attack
Available wherever books are sold!
Check out other unofficial Minecrafter adventures from Sky Pony Press!
Invasion of the Overworld
Battle for the Nether
Confronting the Dragon
Trouble in Zombie-town
The Quest for the Diamond Sword
The Mystery of the Griefer’s Mark
The Endermen Invasion
Treasure Hunters in Trouble
Available wherever books are sold!
Then check out other novels from Sky Pony Press.
Pack of Dorks
Boys Camp: Zack’s Story
Boys Camp: Nate’s Story
Letters from an Alien Schoolboy
Just a Drop of Water
Future Flash
Sky Run
Mr. Big
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